
The efficacy of Indian labor laws in safeguarding the rights and interests of workers hasbecome a matter of contention. These laws stipulate minimum wages, working hours, socialsecurity, and occupational safety and health measures. Nevertheless, the inadequateenforcement of these labor laws by several employers renders workers susceptible toexploitation. In addition, these labor laws only extend to those in the formal sector, leavingthose in the informal sector exposed to vulnerability. Moreover, the intricate legal proceduresand bureaucratic red tape present a daunting hurdle for workers in their quest for legalrecourse. Overall, although Indian labor laws have provided a modicum of protection toworkers, there is ample room for improvement to ensure that all workers, regardless of theiremployment status, are adequately protected. The vast number of workers in the informalsector are not safeguarded by these laws and continue to face exploitative and abusiveconditions. Furthermore, the inflexibility and stringency of these labor laws have beendecried for their potential to impede investment and economic progress

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