
The target of this Research is to develop environmental values and skills among middle school students through a program based on strategy (Think - Pair - Share). The State of Kuwait, the researchers have drawn up a list of environmental values and skills which students must develop middle school in Kuwait have been refereeing The following values were (1. savor the beauty of the natural environment 2-Kuwait environment clean without contaminating 3. valuing nature reserves 4-optimal use of environmental resources 5. valuation of the homeland and loyalty to him and his environment), and in light of the poll was prepared to see the current status of environmental values and skills in middle school It turns out it wasn't the intermediate address environmental values and skills sufficient to develop these values and environmental skills of students through activities provided for them. Thus, the researchers saw the need to develop a proposal based program strategy (think, pair, and share) for environmental values and skills development among pupils intermediate Kuwait. And which included 20 (20 active) Where he was relying on semi-experimental method per set (pre-posttest) as being the sixth grade pupils in Kuwait intermediate stage to the values ​scale and scale environmental skills before applying and after the program to measure the impact (of the proposed program) on the dependent variable (Environmental values ​and skills), The results were as follows: There are significant differences between mean scores of tribal girls in the application and enforcement differences dimensional scale environmental values and skills for the benefit of the dimensional application at the 0.05 level. Which indicates that the impact of the program in the development of environmental values and skills to them. Research has recommended

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