
Background and Aim: Student-centered learning is a major driver behind educational policy and practice in the modern era, and with the move toward adopting learner-centered learning in the classroom, especially in mathematics learning, understanding where such games are offered and the potential They have not yet been discovered, it is vital. The purpose of this research was to investigate the effectiveness of educational games based on social constructivism in interaction with learning styles on improving the emotional efficiency and learning rate of secondary school girl students in mathematics. Research method: The research method was semi-experimental with a pre-test, post-test with a control group and a 2-month follow-up phase. The statistical population was all secondary school female students studying in public schools in Hamadan city in 1402-1401. In the first stage, using a simple random sampling method, a school was selected from the 1st district of Hamedan city and 100 people who met the conditions to enter the research were selected, and then by a simple random method, they were divided into 2 experimental groups (25 people in the deep learning group and 25 people in the deep learning group). surface learning) and 2 control groups (25 deep learning group and 25 surface learning group) were replaced. The groups of the first experiment underwent 6 90-minute sessions of educational games based on the social constructivism approach; But the control groups did not receive any intervention and remained on the waiting list. Biggs et al.'s (2001) two-factor learning process questionnaire, McCutch and Sikel's (2003) school attitude questionnaire, and a researcher-made questionnaire on the learning rate of mathematics lessons were used to collect information. The analysis of the information obtained from the implementation of the questionnaires was carried out through SPSS software version 24 in two descriptive and inferential sections (mixed variance analysis and Benferroni's post hoc test). Risult: The results showed that educational games based on the social constructivism approach in the post-test and follow-up phase had a significant effect on emotional efficiency and the amount of mathematical learning compared to the control groups (P<0.05). Also, the results showed that educational games based on the social constructivism approach in the group of students with a deep learning style had more effectiveness than students with a superficial learning style on emotional efficiency and the amount of mathematical learning (P<0.05). ). Conclusion: Based on the results of the present research, it can be said that educational games based on the social constructivism approach can be used as a suitable educational method to improve the emotional efficiency and learning rate, especially in secondary school students with Deep learning style should be used in secondary schools.

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