
The low quality of human resources will be a problem for a company. On the other hand, a successful company requires employees who are willing to do more work than their formal duties to achieve company goals more effectively and efficiently. This behavior is called organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). This study aims to determine the effect of work-family conflict, organizational justice, job stress on organizational citizenship behavior mediated by supervisor trust. The research sample is determined by non-probability sampling which takes 100 employees of private banking companies. The validity test shows that all questionnaire questions are valid with an outer loading score of (p=0.6). Based on the results of the calculation of the validity assisted by SmartPLS, it shows that all instruments meet the valid requirements with AVE (p=0.5). Based on the data above, the results of the Cronbach Alpha and composite reliability test results show that all data are said to be reliable with a score (p=0.5). The results showed that work-family conflict had no effect on organizational citizenship behavior with a p-value 0.48 more than (p=0.05). Job stress has no effect on organizational citizenship behavior with a p-value score 0.71 more than (p=0.05), organizational justice affects organizational citizenship behavior with a p-value score 0.00 less than (p=0.05), supervisor trust has a positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior with a p-value score 0.00 less than (p=0.05), work-family conflict has no effect on organizational citizenship behavior mediated by supervisor trust with a p-value score 0.31 more than (p=0.05), organizational justice has a positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior mediated by supervisor trust with a p-value score 0.00 less than (p=0.05), organizational justice has an effect on organizational citizenship behavior mediated by supervisor trust with a p-value score 0.00 less than (p=0.05) and a negative beta score resulting in the direction of the relationship which is significant negative. Work-family conflict, organizational justice, job stress, supervisor trust have an effect on organizational citizenship behavior by 73.2%. Researchers can give are that further research can be carried out in different areas.

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