
Papaya fruit has many benefits, one of which is papaya seed can be used as antifertility drugs especially young papaya seeds. This is because young papaya seeds contain secondary metabolites of alkaloid glycosides and proteolytic enzymes such as papain which can interfere with spermatogenesis. This aims to determine the effect of young papaya seed extract of a mice number spermatozoa. Mice were randomly selected to represent 4 dose groups: control group (P0), extract 30mg/BW (PI), extract 60mg/BW (PII) and extract 90mg/BW (PIII). Each treatment group was carried out with six repetitions. The treatment was given intravenously by injecting it in the tail of the mice for 15 consecutive days. The observed spermatozoa quality variables is a number of spermatozoa. Data analysis used one way ANOVA significance test 5% (p<0,05) and continued with the LSD (Least Significant Difference) 95% confidence. The result of the study on the quality of spermatozoa showed a significant effect at the doses of 60mg/BW (PII) and 90mg/BW (PIII). The higher dose of young papaya seed extract, it increasingly affects the number of sperm. The research concluded that the extract of young papaya seeds has a significant impact of a mice number spermatozoa (Mus musculus).


  • Angka Fertilitas menyebabkan terjadinya penumpukan dan kepadatan penduduk

  • of which is papaya seed can be used as antifertility drugs especially young papaya seeds

  • This is because young papaya seeds contain secondary metabolites of alkaloid glycosides

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Bahan dan Metode

Penelitian eksperimen ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Kimia dan Biologi FKIP Universitas Mataram. Obyek penelitian adalah ekstrak biji pepaya muda (Carica papaya) untuk melihat pengaruhnya terhadap kualitas spermatozoa mencit jantan (Mus musculus) dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah variabel bebasnya ekstrak biji pepaya muda (Carica papaya), sedangkanvariabel terikatnya adalah kualitas spermatozoa mencit jantan (Mus musculus). Kemudian ekstrak biji pepaya tersebut ditimbang sesuai dengan dosis perlakuan yaitu 30 mg/BB, 60 mg/BB, dan 90 mg/BB. Pengamatan Jumlah Spermatozoa Sperma diambil pada cauda epididimis mencit, kemudian semen diambil menggunakan pipet eritrosit dengan skala 0,2 lalu ditambahkan larutan NaCl 0,9% dan setelah itu dikocok homogen. Analisis data dibantu dengan analisis varian (ANOVA) satu arah dengan taraf signifikasi 5% (p

Hasil dan Pembahasan
Pemberian Ekstrak Biji Pepaya Muda
Analisis Uji LSD
Pharmakologi Ilmu Kedokteran
Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Kekerasan
Penyuntikan Ekstrak Biji Carica papaya
Gonadotrophins in Male Albino
Potensi Biji Pepaya sebagai Bahan
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