
This study consists of independent variables, namely work culture (X1) and work stress (X2) and the dependent variable (Y) is the work effectiveness of employees of PT Trakindo Utama Palembang branch. The results of initial observations and interviews with the human resources division of PT Trakindo Utama, several factors that affect work effectiveness are work culture and work stress. Work culture is a set of assumptions or belief systems, values and norms developed in an organization that is used as a behavioral guide for its members to overcome problems of external adaptation and internal integration. One of the principles of work culture that can be used is the 5S principle which consists of aspects of seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, setsuke which come from Japan and have been widely used in many large companies around the world. Based on the results of interviews with the human resources division of PT Trakindo Utama in addition to work culture which is the influence of work effectiveness, work stress can also affect employee work effectiveness. The cause of stress is anything that causes stress, which is commonly referred to as a stressor. The sampling method was purposive sampling with a sample of 60 respondents with multiple linear regression SPSS software version 26. The results showed that work culture had a positive and significant influence on work effectiveness and work stress had a negative influence on work effectiveness at PT Trakindo Utama.

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