
The aim of this research is to analysis the influence of work family conflict toward work stress, workload toward work stress, work family conflict toward work performance, and workload toward work performance and work stress toward work performance in Woman Treasurer at PU Agency of Lombok Regency/City in all around Lombok Island. The method of collecting data that being used is census method. The population in this research is all of the woman treasurer in PU Agency of Lombok Regency/City in all around Lombok Island environment. The amount of this population are 37 people, all of these people are being respondents. The analysis tools that being used is PLS (Partial Least Square). The technique of collecting data that being used are questionnaire, interview, and documentation, the tool of collecting data that being used is questionnaire. The result of this research showing that work family conflict and workload has positive and significant influence toward work stress, work family conflict and workload has negative and significant influence toward work performance and work stress has negative and significant influence toward work performance in Woman Treasurer at PU Agency of Regency/City in all around Lombok Island.Keyword :Work Family Conflict, work stress, workload, and work performanceThe aim of this research is to analysis the influence of work family conflict toward work stress, workload toward work stress, work family conflict toward work performance, and workload toward work performance and work stress toward work performance in Woman Treasurer at PU Agency of Lombok Regency/City in all around Lombok Island. The method of collecting data that being used is census method. The population in this research is all of the woman treasurer in PU Agency of Lombok Regency/City in all around Lombok Island environment. The amount of this population are 37 people, all of these people are being respondents. The analysis tools that being used is PLS (Partial Least Square). The technique of collecting data that being used are questionnaire, interview, and documentation, the tool of collecting data that being used is questionnaire. The result of this research showing that work family conflict and workload has positive and significant influence toward work stress, work family conflict and workload has negative and significant influence toward work performance and work stress has negative and significant influence toward work performance in Woman Treasurer at PU Agency of Regency/City in all around Lombok Island.Keyword :Work Family Conflict, work stress, workload, and work performance[1][1] Mahasiswa Program Magister Manajemen Pascasarjana Universitas Mataran2 Dosen Pembimbing Utama, Dosen Program Magister Manajemen Pascasarjana Universitas Mataram3 Dosen Pembimbing Pendamping, Dosen Program Magister Manajemen Pascasarjana Universitas Mataram


  • The aim of this research is to analysis the influence of work family conflict toward work stress

  • The population in this research is all of the woman treasurer in PU Agency

  • The result of this research showing that work family conflict and workload has positive

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Di era globalisasi saat ini sumber daya manusia merupakan faktor penting untuk menuju keberhasilan suatu organisasi mencapai tujuannya. Peran ganda yang dijalankan para pegawai wanita yang sudah berumah tangga ini membawa dampak negatif terhadap waktu kerja di kantor seperti datang tidak tepat waktu yang disebabkan oleh pemenuhan tuntutan tugasnya di rumah tangga terlebih dahulu, terkadang mereka izin untuk mengurus kegiatan sekolah anak, mengurus suami dan anak ketika sakit, dan terkadang menjemput anak dari sekolah. Berdasarkan survey awal yang telah dilakukan, bahwa sebagian besar bendahara wanita yang bekerja pada Dinas PU sudah menikah dan memegang peran ganda, dimana disatu sisi ia berperan sebagai istri bagi suami dan ibu bagi anak-anaknya dan disisi lain ia berperan sebagai pegawai yang setiap harinya harus memenuhi kewajibannya untuk bekerja sehingga peluang untuk terjadinya konflik pekerjaan-keluarga dikatakan besar. Terdapat juga hal yang paling jelas terlihat dimana peran sebagai orang tua mengganggu pekerjaan adalah bendahara wanita yang menjemput anak mereka dari sekolah mereka dan membawa mereka ke kantor dan saat itu masih ada jam kerja. Berdasarkan uraian tersebut peneliti tertarik untuk menganalisis pengaruh ponflik pekerjaan-peluarga (work family conflict) dan beban kerja terhadap stres kerja dan kinerja bendahara wanita Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Kabupaten/Kota Se Pulau Lombok

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