
Old age is a factor that aggravates the occurrence of lower back pain due to the decline in body functions, especially bone. William's flexion exercise is one of the therapeutic exercises for lower back pain sufferers by strengthening the abdominal muscles and maximus gluteus muscles and stretching the extensor muscles of the back. This study aimed to know the effect of William flexion training on lower back pain levels in older people in the Blitar Age Blind Social Service Unit at Tulungagung Dormitory. This research uses the Pre Experimental Design model one group pre-test - post-test design. The population of this study were all elderly at UPT Social Service of Tresna Werdha Blitar Tulungagung Dormitory who experienced low back pain; the sample was taken with a total sampling technique of 33 respondents. The variable of therapy-free William flexion is the dependent variable of lower back pain. The study was conducted on March 30-April 1, 2018, with data processing using the Wilcoxon signed rank test with the SPSS program. The result of the research was obtained before the therapy of William's flexion. Most respondents had severe back pain, 19 respondents (57.6%), and after the therapy of William's flexion, almost all respondents had mild back pain, as many as 27 respondents (81.8%). The result of the statistical test of Wilcoxon signed rank by using the SPSS program got the result P Value = 0.000 <0.05, so H1 is accepted, which means there is the influence of William flex exercise to lower back pain level at elderly in the Technical Service Unit of Tresna Werdha Blitar at Tulungagung year 2018. William's flexion exercises will increase muscle elasticity, reduce pain, and restore work to some muscle groups. William's flexion movement is done slowly and rhythmically to stimulate the sensory nerve fibers that will inhibit the activation of pain receptors in Tresna Werdha Blitar Tulungagung Hostel.

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