
Using density functional theory calculations, we explored the effect of water adsorption on the electronic and field emission properties of AlN nanocones (AlNN) at the presence and absence of a uniform electric field (EF) about ±0.02a.u. in direction of Z-axis. At zero EF, the H2O molecule tends to be adsorbed from its O atom at the apex of AlNN with adsorption energy about −23.2kcal/mol so that its effect on the electronic and field emission properties of AlNN is negligible. Both EFs increase the electrical conductivity of AlNN. At the + and −EFs, the adsorption energy changes to −40.6 and −4.1kcal/mol, respectively. At the +EF, the HOMO level of AlNN largely shifts up from −3.69 to −3.08eV, and thus, the gap significantly decreases by about 31.6%. As a result, the Fermi level (FL) shifts to higher energies, and the work function (Φ) of AlNN decreases by about 12.0%. Therefore, it can be concluded that H2O molecules can increase the field emission current density (EECD) from the surface of AlNN. But at the −EF, after the H2O adsorption, the LUMO level of AlNN largely shifts down and the gap is meaningfully decreased by about 59.4%. As a result, the FL shifts to lower energies and the Φ of AlNN increases by about 14.0%. Thus, H2O molecules decrease the EECD from the surface of AlNN at −EF.

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