Findings of blood at the crime scene (TKP) can provide important information in criminal cases such as homicide. Blood findings at crime scenes are usually blood spots or traces of blood that can be found on various substrates. This study aims to determine the type of wall substrate and environmental conditions that have the ability to preserve blood better, prove by success rate in identifying blood type in ABO system until 336 hour of exposure. In this study, blood samples were exposed to three variations of wall substrates, namely plastered walls, plastered and painted walls, plastered and oil-painted walls; and in two different environmental conditions (indoor and outdoor). The method used to identify blood type in this study was absorption elution. First, blood samples from substrate was transferred to a gauze by NaCl 0,98%. Then a confirmation test was carried out to ensure that the gauze sample contains a blood sample. Positive results of the confirmation test were indicated by a change in the color of the sample to bluish green when it is dripped with H2O2 and Leuco Malachite Green (LMG). The positive sample was then dripped with antiserum to determine the blood type. The success of identification of blood groups was indicated by the agglutination in the samples that were dripped with antisera A, because the blood samples used in this study are group A. The results showed that the success rate of blood group identification on the three types of substrates in the indoor environment for 336 hours was 100%. Meanwhile, in the outdoor environment, only blood samples exposed to plastered wall substrate and wall paint for 264 hours could be identified for their blood type. It can be concluded that the three types of wall substrates have the same ability to preserve blood samples for up to 336 hours of exposure, but the environmental conditions that give the best percentage of successful blood group identification were in indoor conditions. For further research is recommended to focus on external environmental factors that have the most influence on the success of blood group identification in dried blood samples.
Tindak kriminal merupakan segala bentuk tindakan yang merugikan secara ekonomis dan psikologis serta melanggar hukum, norma-norma sosial, dan agama
Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa secara statistik, jenis substrat tembok tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap keberhasilan identifikasi golongan darah pada sampel darah kering hingga kurun waktu pemaparan 336 jam
Teknik Analisis DNA dalam Mengidentifikasi Genotip Golongan Darah pada Jenazah Kasus Forensik
Biologi Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana dan Laboratorium Forensik Cabang Semarang, Komplek Akademi Kepolisian (AKPOL), Semarang pada bulan Januari hingga Maret 2021. Bahan penelitian Pada penelitian ini, sampel darah dari probandus bergolongan darah B digunakan sebagai sampel darah yang dipaparkan ke beberapa jenis subtrat tembok; yaitu tembok dilepa, dilapisi cat tembok, dan dilapisi cat minyak. Pemaparan tersebut bertujuan sebagai simulasi untuk menguji tingkat keberhasilan identifikasi golongan darah pada ketiga jenis subtrat tembok dalam kondisi lingkungan terbuka dan tertutup hingga kurun waktu pemaparan 336 jam. Terdapat dua faktor dalam penelitian ini, yaitu jenis substrat tembok dan kondisi lingkungan. Kedua faktor tersebut diuji melalui 6 jenis perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan untuk tiap perlakuan, yang meliputi; darah pada substrat tembok yang dilepa di lingkungan. Pemaparan darah pada substrat di semua perlakuan dilakukan selama kurun waktu hingga 336 jam dengan interval waktu pengamatan sebanyak 4 kali, yaitu pada kurun waktu 264 jam, 288 jam, 312 jam, dan 366 jam
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