
In this study, the effect of the licker-in speed of a modern card with triple licker-in on the fibre properties of card sliver was investigated. The change in fibre properties of the card waste taken by a waste collector at various sections of the card under different licker-in speeds was also analysed. There is more fibre damage at a higher ticker-in speed according to the Uster HVI test results. The same trend was observed in the tests carried out on the Uster AFIS. Similarly, there was more reduction in fibre strength and an increase in short-fibre content when a higher licker-in speed was used. Interestingly, the fibre-breaking-elongation value seems not to be affected adversely but improved at a higher licker-in speed. On the other hand, there is no significant difference in nep size and nep count, hut the amount of trash, dust, and foreign material was higher when a higher licker-in speed was applied. The waste fibres had higher elongation values at a higher licker-in speed except for the waste taken from the licker-in zone. Another interesting point is that the fibres in the waste taken from the back part of the cylinder were longer and stronger at a lower licker-in speed.

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