
Abstract Many This preffects developdevelopsocial whigh scthe wa600 higparentstwo seinterviepolice,that thedevelopachingor wristheir wpain inThe Internetprevious studresent quantiof the Intpments: phypment and reworkers, ownchool studentys for protecgh school stus in Pattani pts of questioewing high general peoere was a popments. Phys, burning, or st (p = .02) anweight increasn back arms t has been wdies show vaitative and qternet use oysical well-beelationships(2ners of Internts in Pattani pt the harmfuludents in graprovince of Tonnaires: one school studeople and ownsitive relationsically, their stabbing paind a neck pase during the(p = .01) anwidely used barious effectsqualitative stuon three broeing, cogniti2) opinions onet cafes and province of Tl injurious foades ten to twThailand by safor high schents, teachersners of Internnship of the length of Intin in back armain (p = .01). e last three mnd a back paiby the global s of the Inteudy aimed atoad aspects ve and acadof students dicommunitiesThailand.(3) or the youth'swelve from 7ample schoolhool studentss, school dirnet cafes by Internet on sternet use relms, wrist or Their weeklymonths (p = .in (p = .04). populations rnet, both pot investigatinof Pattani demic skill drectors, polics around highTo guidelines well-being .75 high schools. The resears and the othrectors, parensample schosome of Pattaated to their fingers (p = y frequency o02) and achiSocially, theof all genderositively and ng (1) To invhigh schoodevelopment,cemen, teacheh schools. It ie the governm.The sample cols and 600 rch instrumenher for their pnts, social wols. The studani high schophysical pain.00), swellinof Internet usng, burning, eir weekly frrs and ages. negatively. vestigate the ol students’ and social ers, parents, is limited to ment to find consisted of high school nts included parents; and workers, the dy indicates ool students’ ns including ng of fingers se related to or stabbing frequency of Internet use related to some of their social relationship with peers and families, that was their participation in extra curricular activities (p = .01). There was also a discovery of a relation between their time spent with their families and their weekly hours spent on the Internet (.01). However, there was a discovery of the relations between their cognitive developments and their Internet use behaviour were found that the increasing skill of the latest grade in English (p.00) and the increasing skill of the latest grade of Mathematics (p.01) Qualitative findings indicate many similar views of high school students, parents teachers, school directors, social workers, the police, general people and Internet cafe owners on the Internet and youth. Appropriate use and proper time spent on the Internet were considered greatly significant. Various useful suggestions were produced. Some opinions imply relations between social Internet effects and users’ economic status. A new idea of introduction of school social workers in all school across the nation was proposed.

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