
(USOE) employees to respond to their perceptions of congressional intent, and (4) the willingness of personnel in state departments of education and local educational agencies to furnish evaluative data. Thus, I preface my discussion of technical analyses with some observations on related policy issues and, as most policy analysts would demand, provide an alternative to that portion of the RMC evaluation system I call into question. The genesis of this analysis is a small portion of the Education Amendments of 1974, Public Law 93-380. Section 151 was introduced by Rep. Victor Vesey as a floor amendment to House Bill 69 and was passed by the House without benefit of hearings or comment from the Administration or the public. In my judgment it contains a mixture of good and bad law that is reflected in the best and worst features of USOE's response to its provisions. Section (e) requires the Commissioner of Education to provide such technical and other assistance as may be necessary to State educational agencies to enable them to assist local educational agencies in the

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