
The effect on ion-exchange resins of the polystyrene type of a thermal treatment has been studied by heating strong cation and strong anion resins in water at 95°C and 250°C and obtaining the IR spectra of the remaining resins as well as those of the decomposition products extracted by the water. The degradation of the resins is highly dependent on their ionic form. The (OH−) and the (H+) forms are more labile, losing completely their exchange capacity at 250°C, while the (Li+) form retains considerable ion-exchange capacity. On the other hand, the hydrothermal process affects differently the backbone of the anion and the cation resins. There are similarities in the type of decomposition products found after hydrothermal treatment with those observed after radiolytic exposure of the resins. Heating the resins in water reduces the crosslinking of the polystyrene matrix.

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