
Technology supported collaborative learning settings facilitate long lasting learning of students in computer and internet supported situations with collaborative workings among them. The aim of this study is to find out whether technology supported collaborative learning settings affect the behaviour of students towards the discipline of Mathematics or not. Being a single-group empirical research, pre-testing and post testing have been used in this study. Seventeen students studying in seventh year in Şehit Hüseyin Ruso Secondary School, a state school connected to Education Ministry in North Cyprus, participated in this study. Students were taught algebraic expression in detail at the beginning of this academic year. Then dividing the students in groups of four or five, they were given projects related to the given topic. In the projects the students were needed to search their projects’ topic with their friends in their group, discuss and then prepare a presentation cooperatively. The presentations of the students were shared and discussed in the setting of Wikispaces by themselves. According the pre-testing and post tetsing results, it is pointed out that technology supported Mathematics education has a positive effect on students.

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