
This study aims to determine the effect of work motivation, work climate, and principal leadership on teacher performance at Escola Técnica Ínformática-Dili. The type of research used in this study is quantitative research, namely research that aims to describe or explain something in accordance with reality, the approach used in this research is quantitative, namely research that is more about the "accuracy" of the description of each variable in the accuracy of the effect between one variable and another. Other variables. This research was conducted in four schools namely, ETI-Dili, ETI-Maliana, ETI-Baucau and ETP-Atelari which are all under the Klibur Mata Dalan Fundasaun (FKMD), the subjects of this study were teachers in the four schools with a sample size 74 respondents. The data used are data from questionnaires and interviews. For testing the questionnaire instrument, it was tested on Escola Técnica Ínformática-Dili (ETI-Dili) teachers who were then analyzed for validity and reliability using the Statistics Product and Service Solution (SPSS) Version 21 application. From the multiple linear regression test using the SPSS application Version 21, on the results of the questionnaire, it was found that there was a positive relationship between the independent variables, namely Work Motivation, Work Climate, Principal Leadership on teacher performance at Escola Técnica Ínformática-Dili (ETI-Dili).The results of the test for the coefficient of determination show that Teacher Performance can be explained by the variables Teacher Work Motivation (X1), Work Climate (X2), and Principal Leadership (X3), of 66.5 While the remaining 33.5% of Teacher Performance (Y) can explained by variables other than those not examined. As a conclusion from this study, there is a significant positive influence between motivation in the teaching and learning process at the Escola Técnica Ínformática-Dili (ETI-Dili).

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