
Intensive sulphur fertilisation has been reported to improve the nutrient balance and growth of Cd-exposed plants, but the reasons of this phenomenon and the role of sulphur compounds in the resistance to cadmium are unclear. We investigated sulphur supplementation-induced changes in the surface properties of roots and the level of thiol peptides (PCs) in Cd-stressed Triticum aestivum L. (monocots clade) and Lactuca sativa L. (dicots clade) grown in nutrient solution. The combination of three sulphur (2mM S-basic level, 6 or 9mM S-elevated levels) and four cadmium (0, 0.0002, 0.02 or 0.04mM Cd) concentrations was used. The physicochemical parameters of the roots were determined based on the apparent surface area (Sr), total variable surface charge (Q), cation exchange capacity (CEC) and surface charge density (SCD). In Cd-exposed plants supplied with sulphur, a different character and trend in the physicochemical changes (adsorption and ion exchange) of roots were noted. At the increased sulphur levels, as a rule, the Sr, CEC, Q and SCD values clearly increased in the lettuce but decreased in the wheat in the entire range of the Cd concentrations, except the enhanced Sr of wheat supplied with 6mM S together with elevated (0.0002mM) and unchanged (0.02, 0.04mM Cd) value of this parameter at 9mM S. This indicates a clade-specific and/or species-specific plant reaction. The 6mM S appears to be more effective than 9mM S in alleviation of the cadmium's toxic effects on roots. It was found that at 0.02 and 0.04mM Cd, the use of 6mM S limits the Cd accumulation in the roots of both species in comparison with the basic S fertilisation. Moreover, PC accumulation was much more efficient in wheat than in lettuce, and intensive sulphur nutrition generally induced biosynthesis of these chelating compounds. Physicochemical parameters together with quantitative and qualitative assessment of thiol peptides can be important indicators of the efficiency of root system functioning under cadmium stress. The differences between the species and the multidirectional character of the changes are a result of the involvement of a number of multi-level mechanisms engaged in the defence against metal toxicity.

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