
In the conditions of modern technogenic pollution of the environment, environmental problems, improving the quality of livestock products and their food safety is an important and urgent issue today. Pollution of the environment with heavy metals due to man-made activities of the population has led to a number of problems of agricultural production. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of sodium selenite and feed additive “Metisevit plus” on the protein-synthesizing function and functional state of the liver of rats in lead-cadmium intoxication. It was found that the level of total protein in the blood of rats exposed to cadmium and lead was reduced. These changes were due to a decrease in albumin levels and an increase in globulin levels. Thus, hypoproteinemia resulting from cadmium and lead poisoning may indicate impaired hepatic protein synthesis. Transamination enzymes play a major role in the relationship between protein and carbohydrate metabolism, which is important for switching the oxidation of energy substrates from glucose to amino acid energy nutrition, which is extremely important under the influence of various environmental factors. The most active transaminases are aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase. In the study of the activity of aminotransferases in the serum of rats treated with lead acetate and cadmium chloride, an increase in the activity of enzymes in all periods of the study. The highest activity of aminotransferases was on days 21 and 28 of the experiment in the control group of rats, which carried out the combined load of cadmium and lead. Thus, the load of the body of animals with cadmium and lead contributes to the violation of the functional state and protein-synthesizing function of the liver of animals of the experimental groups. With the introduction of sodium selenite into the body of rats, the activity of ALT and AST in the serum of the first experimental group was slightly reduced compared with the control group. However, the activity of these enzymes did not reach physiological values. When setting the feed additive “Metisevit plus” throughout the experiment, it was found that the activity of aminotransferases in the serum of rats of the second experimental group ranged within physiological values. This is due to the hepatoprotective effect of the components of the feed additive “Metisevit Plus”. In the study of protein-synthesizing function of rat liver in experimental lead-cadmium toxicosis, it was found that after application to rats of the first experimental group of sodium selenite on days 14, 21 and 28, the level of total protein in serum gradually increased, but did not reach physiological values. Using the feed supplement “Metisevit plus” rats of the second experimental group, found a slightly higher level of total protein in their blood, which on the 28th day of the experiment reached physiological values and, accordingly, amounted to 66.8 ± 1.99 g/l. It should be noted that when administering the feed additive “Metisevit plus” protein-synthesizing liver function and liver function of rats of the second experimental group were restored faster than when administering sodium selenite to the first experimental group.


  • The effect of sodium selenite and feed additive “Metisevit plus” on the proteinsynthesizing function and functional state of the liver of rats under prolonged cadmium and lead loading

  • The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of sodium selenite and feed additive “Metisevit plus” on the protein-synthesizing function and functional state of the liver of rats in lead-cadmium intoxication

  • It was found that the level of total protein in the blood of rats exposed to cadmium and lead was reduced

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Lviv National Agrarian University, Great Vladimir Str., 1, Dubliany, Zhovkva district, L'viv region, 80381, Ukraine. When setting the feed additive “Metisevit plus” throughout the experiment, it was found that the activity of aminotransferases in the serum of rats of the second experimental group ranged within physiological values. При задаванні кормової добавки “Метісевіт плюс” протягом усього досліду встановлено, що активність амінотрансфераз у сироватці крові щурів другої дослідної групи коливалася у межах фізіологічних величин. При дослідженні протеїнсинтезувальної функції печінки щурів за експериментального свинцево-кадмієвого токсикозу встановлено, що після застосування щурам першої дослідної групи селеніту натрію на 14, 21 і 28 доби рівень загального протеїну у сироватці крові поступово підвищувався, проте не досягав фізіологічних величин. Застосувавши кормову добавку “Метісевіт плюс” щурам другої дослідної групи, встановлено дещо вищий у їх крові рівень загального протеїну, який на 28 добу досліду досягав фізіологічних величин і відповідно становив 66,8 ± 1,99 г/л. Метою роботи було дослідити вплив селеніту натрію і кормової добавки “Метісевіт плюс” на протеїнсинтезувальну функцію та функціональний стан печінки щурів за свинцево-кадмієвої інтоксикації

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Messenger of Lviv National University of Veterinary
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