
The paper is devoted to an experimental and theoretical study of effect of small angle of attack on disturbances evolution and laminar-turbulent transition in a supersonic boundary layer on swept wing at Mach number M=2. The experiments are conducted at the low nose supersonic wind tunnel T-325 of ITAM. Model is a symmetrical wing with a 45° sweep angle, a 3 percent-thick circular-arc airfoil. The transition location is determined using a hot-wire anemometer. Confirmed monotonous growth of the transition Reynolds numbers with increasing of angle of attack from -2° to 2.5°. The experimental data on the influence of the angle of attack on the disturbances evolution in the supersonic boundary layer on the swept wing model are obtained. Calculations on the effect of small angles of attack on the development of perturbations are made in the framework of the linear theory of stability. A good qualitative correspondence of theoretical and experimental data are obtained.

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