Transition from summer to winter changes red deer digestive tract physiology and digestive processes. The objective of the trial was to determine the effects of season on in vitro apparent (ivADMD) and true dry matter (ivTDMD) digestibility, in vitro gas production parameters and short-chain fatty acid synthesis (SCFA) in red deer hinds of eleven substrates naturally occurring in Slovenia (chestnut fruits, acorns of common and sessile oak, two fresh grasses) and those frequently used in supplemental red deer feeding (two grass hays and two grass silages, apple pomace and sugar beet roots). There were no differences in ivADMD, ivTDMD, determined by incubation of feeds in buffered rumen fluid, as there were no differences in majority of gas production parameters between autumn and winter season. Only the parameter “C” (specific gas production rate) was frequently higher (p < 0.05) in winter season than in autumn season. The amounts of SCFA were similar between two seasons. However, the proportion of acetic acid tended to be higher in winter, while the proportions of propionic and butyric acid tended to be higher in autumn than in winter especially in high fibre feeds. On contrary, in high starch feeds such as oak acorns and chestnut fruits, the proportion of propionic acid was higher (p < 0.05) in winter, while of butyric acid in autumn (p < 0.05). Despite the fact that the number of used substrates (n = 11) and animal rumen fluid donors (n = 6) were small, these results indicate a shift in rumen microbial metabolism between autumn and winter season.
The effect of season on in vitro degradability and fermentability of feeds in red deers’ (Cervus elaphus L.) rumen fluid
Vendar pa smo statistično značilne razlike (p < 0,05) izračunali samo za nekatera krmila, pri inkubaciji sveže trave iz Jelendola, jabolčnih tropin ter za želode gradna in doba, medtem ko smo pri inkubaciji sveže trave iz Kokre, korenov sladkorne pese in plodov divjega kostanja izračunali zgolj trend (0,05 < p < 0,10)
Preglednica 2: In vitro navidezna razgradljivost suhe snovi in in vitro prava razgradljivost suhe snovi krmil, inkubiranih v inokulumih, pripravljenih iz vampove vsebine jeseni in pozimi uplenjenih košut Table 2: In vitro apparent dry matter degradability and in vitro true dry matter digestibility of feeds, incubated in inocula, prepared from rumen contents of hinds shot in autumn and winter
V študiji smo uporabili 11 krmil, ki jih pogosto najdemo bodisi v naravnem okolju bodisi jih pogosto uporabljamo pri zimskem dokrmljevanju navadnega jelena. Vrečke smo v nadaljevanju tretirali še 1 uro v raztopini nevtralnega detergenta (ND) pri 100 °C v aparaturi ANKOM220 fibre analyser (ANKOM Technology, Macedon, NY, USA), jih sprali v vodi, posušili in stehtali ter izračunali in vitro pravo razgradljivost suhe snovi (ivPRSS). Poleg kazalnikov tvorbe plina smo izračunali tudi količino plina, sproščenega po 24 urah inkubacije (GAS24; ml/g suhe snovi), s pomočjo prvega in drugega odvoda Gompertzove enačbe po času pa še največjo hitrost tvorbe plina (MFR) in čas, ko je bila dosežena največja hitrost tvorbe plina (TMFR; Lavrenčič in sod., 1997). Tako ivNRSS in ivPRSS sta bili številčno večinoma vedno večji v jesenski sezoni kot pozimi, a smo le za svežo travo iz Jelendola in za korene sladkorne pese ugotovili trende (0,05 < p < 0,10) pri ivNRSS. Preglednica 1: Kemična sestava krmil, uporabljenih v poskusu Table 1: Chemical composition of feeds used in the experiment
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