
The research aims to:
 Preparing rehabilitative exercises with accompanying tools to rehabilitate those with shoulder dislocation.
 Knowing the effect of rehabilitative exercises and accompanying aids in improving the muscular strength and motor range of those with dislocations in the shoulder joint.
 The two researchers used the experimental design with the same experimental group with the pre and post tests, so the researcher chose a sample appropriate to the nature of his research problem, its goals and its hypotheses, as a sample of the injured was chosen to remove the shoulder joint, who completed the treatment, who were not practicing sports, and those who went to the Physiotherapy Center at Al-Wasiti Hospital, as their number reached (10) were injured.
 A group of rehabilitative exercises was prepared and accompanied by auxiliary tools presented to experts and specialists in the field of sports medicine. Pre-test tests were conducted and then rehabilitative exercises were implemented to achieve the desired goal of the research. The number of rehabilitative units was 3 rehabilitative units per week and for days Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday. For a period of eight weeks, i.e. at the rate of 24 rehabilitative units and then conducting post-test.
 The researchers concluded the following:
 _ Rehabilitation exercises prepared by the two researchers with a clear positive effect on improving muscle strength and motor range among the individuals in the research sample.
 _ The auxiliary tools used by the two researchers have a positive effect in stimulating and provoking motivation and suspense among the injured to perform rehabilitative exercises.
 The researchers recommended: -
 To conduct similar research on other injuries and different samples and to adopt the rehabilitation approach by the two researchers in other physiotherapy centers.


  • The research aims to: 1. Preparing rehabilitative exercises with accompanying tools to rehabilitate those with shoulder dislocation

  • The two researchers used the experimental design with the same experimental group with the pre and post tests, so the researcher chose a sample appropriate to the nature of his research problem, its goals and its hypotheses, as a sample of the injured was chosen to remove the shoulder joint, who completed the treatment, who were not practicing sports, and those who went to the Physiotherapy Center at Al-Wasiti Hospital, as their number reached (11) were injured

  • A group of rehabilitative exercises was prepared and accompanied by auxiliary tools presented to experts and specialists in the field of sports medicine

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‫الملخص ‪:‬‬ ‫يهدف البحث الى‪:‬‬ ‫‪-1‬أعداد تمرينات تأهيلية بمصاحبة ادوات مساعدة لتأهيل المصابين بخلع مفصل الكتف ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -2‬التعرف على تأثير التمرينات التأهيلية ومصاحبة الادوات المساعدة في تحسين القوة‬ ‫العضلية والمدى الحركي للمصابين بخلع مفصل الكتف ‪.‬‬ ‫واستخدمت الباحثتان التصميم التجريبي ذو المجموعة التجريبية الواحدة ذات الاختبارين‬ ‫القبلي والبعدي لذا اختارت الباحثة عينة مناسبة لطبيعة مشكلة بحثه واهدافه وفروضه اذ تم‬ ‫اختيار عينة من المصابين بخلع مفصل الكتف والذي اكملوا العلاج ومن غير الممارسين‬ ‫للرياضة ومن الذين يرتادون مركز العلاج الطبيعي في مستشفى الواسطي اذ بلغ عددهم‬ ‫(‪ )11‬مصابين ‪.‬‬ ‫وتم اعداد التمرينات التأهيلية بمصاحبة ادوات مساعدة تم عرضها على الخبراء والمختصين‬ ‫في مجال الطب الرياضي وتم اجراء الاختبارات القبلية ومن ثم تطبيق التمرينات التأهيلية‬ ‫لتحقيق الهدف المطلوب من البحث وكانت عدد الوحدات التأهيلية ‪ 3‬وحدات تأهيلية في‬ ‫الاسبوع وللايام الاحد ‪ ,‬الثلاثاء ‪ ,‬الخميس ‪ .‬ولمدة ثمانية اسابيع اي بمعدل ‪ 22‬وحدة تأهيلية‬ ‫ومن ثم اجراء الاختبارات البعدية‪.‬‬ ‫واستنتجت الباحثتان ما يلي ‪:‬‬ ‫_ التمرينات التأهيلية المعدة من قبل الباحثتان تأثير ايجابي واضح في تحسين القوة العضلية‬ ‫والمدى الحركي لدى افراد عينة البحث ‪.‬‬. ‫الباحثتان بأستخدام وسائل مساعدة قد تكون وسائل بعيدة عن المألوف الهدف الاساسي منها‬ ‫هو تحسين القوة العضلية والمدى الحركي للمصابين بخلع مفصل الكتف بعمر ‪ 8 - 6‬سنة‬ ‫واستخدام الادوات المساعدة لاجل التسريع في شفاء مفصل الكتف والرجوع الى حالته‬

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