
White sweet potato is a local food which is widely produced but its utilization is still lacking. Processing white sweet potato into flour can increase its value so that it can be processed into flakes products by adding red bean flour to increase its nutritional value and characteristics. The purpose of this research is to increase the selling value of white sweet potato and red bean products. Flakes are ready-to-eat foods in the form of small flakes, crispy textures, and have a slightly sweet tasteless taste with low water content. The main ingredients used in this study were white sweet potato flour, red bean flour, sugar, salt, and water. Things to note are the rehydration power and sensory characteristics that are affected by the balance of white sweet potato flour and red bean flour. The research method used was a randomized block design with 5 treatments and 3 replications with duncan further tests. The treatments that were tried were the balance of white sweet potato flour and red bean flour 90:10, 80:20, 70:30, 60:40, and 50:50. The results showed that the balance of effect was significantly different on rehydration power with the smallest value of 31, 934% and the largest of 50.854%. Organoleptic testing includes the color and aroma produce values ​​not significantly different while the crispness and taste produce significantly different values.


  • White sweet potato is a local food which is widely produced but its utilization is still lacking

  • The results showed that the balance of effect was significantly different on rehydration power with the smallest value of 31, 934% and the largest of 50.854%

  • Perlakuan variasi imbangan pada flakes komposit memberikan pengaruh yang tidak berbeda nyata pada kesukaan warna (2,92–3,52) dan kesukaan aroma (3,04-3,44) namun berbeda nyata pada kesukaan kerenyahan (2,32-3,60) dan kesukaan rasa (2,56-3,52)

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Ubi jalar merupakan salah satu bahan pangan bersumber karbohidrat yang menduduki peringkat keempat setelah padi, jagung, dan ubi kayu (Widowati, 2011). Tepung ubi jalar memiliki kadar air maksimal 10%, kadar abu maksimal 3%, lemak maksimal 1%, protein minimal 3%, dan nilai karbohidrat. Kacang merah juga dapat mencegah resiko diabetes karena kandungan karbohidrat kompleksnya memiliki indek glikemik rendah dan termasuk lamban cerna (Pertiwi et al, 2017). Kandungan gizi pada tepung kacang merah terdapat air sebanyak 5,88%, kadar abu 2,75%, protein 26,06%, lemak 2,70%, karbohidrat 62,61%, dan serat 5,5% dalam 100 gram tepung kacang merah (Astuti et al, 2013). Kadar protein yang cukup tinggi pada tepung kacang merah menjadikan tepung kacang merah cocok untuk dikombinasikan dengan tepung ubi jalar putih menjadi suatu produk pangan salah satunya adalah flakes. Pemanfaatan bahan pangan tepung ubi jalar putih dan tepung kacang merah pada pembuatan flakes selain untuk meningkatkan nilai gunanya juga dapat mendukung program diversifikasi pangan.

Karakteristik Sensoris Flakes Komposit
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