Navratil S., M. Palikova. V. Vajcova: The Effect of PlIreMicrocystin LR and Biomass of Bille-green Algae Oil Blood Indices of Carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Acta vet. Bmo 1998, 67: 273-279. The aim of this work was to tind out how the administration of the Microcystin LR and the of blue-green algae with known amount of the Microcystin LR to juvenile carp influences indices of the red blood cells and activities of plasma enzymes. The experimental fish were given either pure Microcystin LR or the of blue-green algae with known amount of Microcystin LR. The administration of pure Microcystin LR at the dose of 400!lg per I kg of body mass was conducted intraperitoneally, the was applied per os. Microcystin LR volume in single doses was 3. 300. 600 and 1200 Ilg per I kg of body mass. After 24 and 48 h blood was taken from fish by cardiac punction. The following indices of the blood were evaluated: the red blood cell count (RBC). haematocrit (PCV), haemoglobin (Hb). mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC), mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH). Activities of alanine aminotransferase (AL T). aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and total plasma proteins (TPP) were measured. Significant changes (p ::; 0.05 or p ::; 0.0 I) of RBC, PCV, Hb, MCV and MCH were found only after the application of the of blue-green algae. These changes were usually within the physiological range of values variation or slightly under this range. The activities of ALT. AST and LDH were mostly increased after all fonns of administrations. The rate of increase depended on the route of administration, character of the material and amount of the toxin. A highly signit'icant increase (p::; 0.01) of the activities of ALT (60.07 ± 36.89 !lkat '1-1, controI2.98± 1.58!lkat '1-1). AST(38.91 ± 15.5lllkat . I-I, control 4.83 ±3.47 !lkat '1-1) and LDH (303.2 ± 110.7 Ilkat . I-I. control 10.4 ± 5.1 Ilkat . 1,1) was detected 24 h after i.p. administration of pure Microcystin LR. Significant (p ::; 0.05) increase of the activities of ALT was detected after oral administration of 3, 300 and 600 Ilg of Microcystin LR per I kg of body mass. highly significant (p::; 0.01) increase was detected after oral administration of 1 200llg. Significant (p ::; 0.05) or highly significant (p::; 0.0 I) increase of the activities of AST and LDH was detected only after oral administration of 1 200 Ilg of Microcystin LR. These changes were above the range of the normal values variation. The volume ofTPPwassignit'icantlydecreased (p::; 0.01) only 48 h after the administration of pure Microcystin LR (19.38 ± 4.90 g . I-I. control 30.68 ± 4.10 g . I-I). This change was at the limit of the normal values variation. Our investigation found out the intluence of the of blue-green algae to indices of red blood cells and verified the intlllence of Microcystin LR and the biomass o{bllle-green algae to acti\'ities of plasma enzymes. Fish. evanotoxills. erythrocytes, plasma ell~ymes, total plasma proteill The blue-green algae can produce and incidentally release into their environment substances having a biological activity such as enzymes, vitamines, toxins, Address for correspondence: Doc. :-..tVDr. S :\a\Titil. esc. Department ad Game. Fish and Bee Discase<; Univer<;ity ofVt'terinary and Pharmaceutical Sdences. Palark.cho 1-3 612 -l.~ Sma. Czech Republic Phone: +420 5 -l-l56 2586
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