
The aim of the study was to establish the effect of probiotic supplements "HydroLaktiV" and "Multibacterin" as part of the treatment and prevention regimens of gastrointestinal diseases of calves on the level of protein metabolism.The study was conducted on newborn calves, of which three groups were formed according to the principle of analogues: one control (group 1) and two experimental (group 2 and group 3). Animals of all groups were kept in identical conditions. From the fourth day of life until the age of sixty, calves of all groups, according to the scheme adopted in the experimental farm, were fed kefir prepared with the use of the enzymatic feed additive "GastroVet", from the age of ten the animals began to be accustomed to coarse feeds by laying out first-class hay and starter feed (KK-62) in feeders. Additionally, the calves of the second experimental group were added to kefir with a feed additive "HydroLaktiV" at a dose of 15.0 g per head twice a day, and the calves of the third experimental group received the biocomplex "Multibacterin" at a dose of 1.0 ml per 10.0 kg of body weight twice a day.Blood collection from the studied animals was carried out from the jugular vein 30 minutes before feeding in compliance with the rules of asepsis and antiseptics. Blood serum was used for biochemical studies. The latter were performed on a Clima MC-15 semi-automatic analyzer, taking into account the following indicators: total protein, albumin, α-, β- and γglobulins.It has been established that the use of probiotic feed additives "HydroLaktiV" and "Multibacterin" as part of the treatment and prevention regimens of gastrointestinal diseases of calves has a positive effect on the normalization of protein metabolism, manifested in the maintenance of homeostasis, restoration of humoral immunity of animals after illness, as well as normalization of digestion and metabolic processes.

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