
To explore the influence factor and the internal mechanism of the thriving at work among new military civilian, a total of 513 military civilian were investigated by the proactive personality scale, the perceived organizational support scale and the thriving at work scale. The results of correlation analysis shows that, the proactive personality was significantly positively correlated with the thriving at work (r=0.40, p<0.01) and the organizational support (r=0.33, p<0.01); the results also shows that the correlation between the perceived organizational support and the thriving at work was significant (r=0.52, p<0.01). In order to examine the effect of the proactive personality on the thriving at work and the effect of the organizational support among military civilian, the results of structural equation model shows that, the proactive personality had a significant positive effect on the thriving at work (β=0.60, p<0.001), and the perceived organizational support played a partly mediation effect between the proactive personality and the thriving at work, and the mediation size was 0.172. This research reveals the influence factors of the thriving at work and the internal mechanism, and it also has some enlightening significance for the education, motivation and management of Military civilian, and it could draw the following conclusions, in order to enhance the thriving at work of military civilian, we can recruit or cultivate the proactive personality and provide necessary organizational support.


  • To explore the influence factor and the internal mechanism of the thriving at work among new military civilian, a total of 513 military civilian were investigated by the proactive personality scale, the perceived organizational support scale and the thriving at work scale

  • The results of correlation analysis shows that, the proactive personality was significantly positively correlated with the thriving at work (r=0.40, p

  • [9] 陶厚永, 韩玲玲, 章娟

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To explore the influence factor and the internal mechanism of the thriving at work among new military civilian, a total of 513 military civilian were investigated by the proactive personality scale, the perceived organizational support scale and the thriving at work scale. 随着军事人力资源政策制度的改革,越来越多的地方 优秀青年进入军队文职人员队伍,成为我军未来建设与发 展的生力军。公开报道显示,2018年我军首次公开面向社 会招聘文职人员9297人,2019年招录19523人,2020年招 录27073人,且有逐年增加的趋势,可以预测,文职人员 将会成为我军军事人力资源的重要组成部分,在未来发挥 越来越重要的作用。因此,对文职人员工作态度及行为的 相关变量进行研究,探究其影响因素和作用机制,对文职 人员的有效使用和管理具有重要的意义和作用。 工作旺盛感是随着积极心理学的兴起而逐渐进入 人们研究视野的工作状态,指的是个体在工作中同时体 会到活力和学习的一种心理状态[1],作为个体积极发展 状态的重要标志之一,工作旺盛感高的个体不仅具有更 强的职场适应能力[2],而且能够有效降低心理消耗[3], 维持较高的心理健康水平[4],因此,对工作旺盛感的研 究一直是积极组织行为学领域中重要的研究变量。对于 初入职的军队文职人员来说,职业价值观和职业态度尚 未完全定型,提高其工作旺盛感不仅有利于提高组织绩 效[5],而且对个人发展也大有益处。以往关于工作旺盛 感影响因素的研究中,大致可以分为两类,第一类为工 作情境,如领导类型[6]、职场友谊[7]、人-情境交互作 用[8]对工作旺盛感的影响;第二类为工作资源,如工作 家庭增益[9]、组织社会化[10]等因素对工作旺盛感的影 响,而对于人格与工作旺盛感间关系的研究较为少见。 主动性人格又称为前瞻性人格或者前摄性人格,指的是 能够对环境改变产生影响的稳定的人格特质[11],主动 性人格的个体倾向于主动改变周围环境,而不被周围情 境阻力所制约,以此可以获得更强的控制感,由此带来 更好的组织内及组织外绩效,已有研究表明主动性人格 与职业成熟度、进谏行为、创新行为[12,13,14]等积极工作 行为有显著的正向相关作用。由此,本研究预测,文职 人员主动性人格可能会对工作旺盛感产生显著的促进 作用。 组织支持感是个体对组织如何看待他们贡献并关心 他们利益的一种看法和知觉,简言之,就是对个体感受到 的来自组织的支持[15]。主动性人格的个体除了具有主动 改变环境的特点外,还善于利用周边资源,构建更为广泛 的朋友圈,充分发掘和利用身边的资源为自身服务。同时, 作为一种被当下社会所推崇的一种人格特征,主动性人格 的个体往往会受到更多领导及同事的赞扬和鼓励,在工作 过程中也更容易获得支持,这些工作场所的支持都会被当 事人知觉为组织对自己的厚爱,由此感受到强烈的组织支 持感。而组织支持感对工作旺盛感的促进作用可以从工作

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