
Three basic competencies in the field of archiving that must be possessed by an archivist are knowledge, skills, and attitudes. The competencies possessed by archivists are needed in forming good performance in order to achieve organizational goals. This study aims to analyze the significance of the influence of the archivist's competence after equalization, either partially or simultaneously, on the performance of the archivist and to identify the competence that has the greatest influence on the archivist after equalization in performing the performance in his agency. This study uses a quantitative research design, and the type of research is a descriptive survey category. Based on the results of the research and data analysis, it was concluded that the archivist's overall competence, consisting of knowledge, skills, and attitudes, affected the performance of post-equalization archivists by 57.9% in carrying out their daily activities. In addition, the calculated F value of 39,485 is greater than F table 2.73 and the Sig value is less than 0.05, thus H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. Attitudes, skills, and knowledge simultaneously affect the achievement of archivists.

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