
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are cell populations that have the potential to proliferate and differentiate. The process of stem cell differentiation from pluripotent cells to bone cells requires general changes in their pattern of gene expression, the most well-known of which are changes in miRNA-dependent settings. Platelet-enriched plasma (PRP) releases growth factors that are mitogenic to mesenchymal cells and can accelerate the process of osteogenic differentiation. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of PRP on the expression changes of Let-7a, mir-27a, mir-31, mir-30c, mir-21, and mir-106a during osteogenic differentiation. MSCs were isolated from adipose tissue after abdominoplasty and evaluated by flow cytometry. The ef-fect of PRP (10%) on the process of osteogenic differentiation was determined by measuring the expression of Let-7a, mir-27a, mir-31, mir-30c, mir-21, and mir-106a using the real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. The increase in Let-7a expression was significant on the 14th day compared to the 3rd day. mir-27a expression rose significantly on the 3rd day. The expression of mir-30 exhibited a significant increase on the 14th day. mir-21 expression was significantly enhanced on the 3rd day and was downregulated on the 14th day. mir-106a expression showed a significant decreasing tendency between days 3 and 14 in a time-dependent pattern. These findings indicate that PRP probably accelerates the process of differentiation into bone. PRP, as a biological catalyst, showed a clear and distinct impact on the miRNAs regulating bone differentiation of human mesenchymal cells.

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