
The purpose of this research is to analyse the influence of organizational culture variables, human resource quality and performance motivation against work discipline as a intervening variable. The research object was conducted at the Correctional Institution class IIA of Batam City. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of organizational culture to employee performance, influence of human resource quality to employee performance, influence of work discipline on employee performance, organizational culture influence, human resource quality and motivation to employee performance through work discipline, as well as knowing greater where direct influence than indirect influence between organizational culture to performance through work discipline, quality of human resources to performance through working discipline and motivation to performance through work discipline. Respondents in this study amounted to 30 employees and the analytical models used in this study were descriptive analysis, and multiple linear regression analyses with the SPSS for Windows 20.0 program. The results of this study show that organizational culture has a positive and significant influence on employee work discipline. The quality of human resources has a positive and insignificant effect on employee work discipline. Motivation has a negative and insignificant effect on employee work discipline. Organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. The quality of human resources has a negative and insignificant effect on employee performance. Human motivation has a positive and insignificant effect on employee performance. Work discipline has a negative and insignificant effect on employee performance.


  • 1.1 BackgroundEmployees are an important asset in a company, without them how difficult it is for the company to achieve its goals, they are the ones who determine the back and forth of a company, by having skilled workers with high motivation the company has very expensive assets, because basically humans are subjects and development object which is a very important factor, especially improving the quality of human resources is a top priority

  • Pertamina (PER PT Pertamina EP is a subsidiary of PT SERO) which is engaged in the upstream sector, its business fields are business activities in the upstream sector of the oil and gas business, including exploration and exploitation, as well as other supporting business activities that directly or indirectly support main business activities.To be able to carry out their duties properly, employee coaching is directed at improving the quality of human resources so that they have attitudes and behaviors that are based on dedication, honesty, professionalism, responsibility, discipline, work ethic, organizational commitment and authority so that they can provide services according to the demands of community development

  • The direct effect of Work Motivation (X1) on Employee Performance (Y) has a parameter coefficient of 0.695, so an increase in the value of Work Motivation (X1) will be followed by an increase in Employee Performance (Y) and P value of Work Motivation (X1) towards Employee performance (Y) is 0.024

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1.1 BackgroundEmployees are an important asset in a company, without them how difficult it is for the company to achieve its goals, they are the ones who determine the back and forth of a company, by having skilled workers with high motivation the company has very expensive assets, because basically humans are subjects and development object which is a very important factor, especially improving the quality of human resources is a top priority. Pertamina (PER PT Pertamina EP is a subsidiary of PT SERO) which is engaged in the upstream sector, its business fields are business activities in the upstream sector of the oil and gas business, including exploration and exploitation, as well as other supporting business activities that directly or indirectly support main business activities.To be able to carry out their duties properly, employee coaching is directed at improving the quality of human resources so that they have attitudes and behaviors that are based on dedication, honesty, professionalism, responsibility, discipline, work ethic, organizational commitment and authority so that they can provide services according to the demands of community development. A high work ethic should be owned by every employee because every organization really needs hard work and high commitment from every employee, otherwise the organization will find it difficult to develop, and win the competition in seizing its market share

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