
This study aims to describe and know: (1) the influence of organizational culture on job satisfaction; (2) the influence of organizational culture on achievement motivation; (3) the influence of organizational culture to organizational commitment; (4) the influence of job satisfaction to organizational commitment; and (5) the influence of achievement motivation to the organizational commitment of SMP Negeri Teladan Timur subdistrict and City of Medan. The research method used is survey method that is exploratory. The research method used is quantitative method with path analysis model. The number of respondents as many as 143 people taken with Random Proportional Sampling. Research instrument in the form of questionnaire, is data analysis through path analysis and previously there is data normality test with Kolmogrof-Smirnov Test (Z), linearity test and regression significance with Variance Analysis at significance level α equal to 0,05. The results of this study were found: (1) there was a positive direct effect of organizational culture on job satisfaction with path coefficient ρ21 = 0,83, with influence of 69%; (2) there is a direct positive influence of organizational culture on achievement motivation with path coefficient ρ31 = 0,79 with influence of 62%; (3) there is a positive direct influence of organizational culture on organizational commitment with path coefficient ρ41 = 0,27 with influence 7%; (4) there is a positive direct effect of job satisfaction on organizational commitment with path coefficient ρ42 = 0,43 with its influence equal to 18%; (5) there is a positive direct influence of achievement motivation toward organizational commitment with path coefficient ρ43 = 0,24 with influence 5,8%. The higher the influence of organizational culture, job satisfaction, and achievement motivation of teachers, the higher also in affecting the commitment of teacher organization SMP Negeri Teladan Timur subdistrict Medan City

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