
This study intends to examine the direct and indirect effects of organizational commitment as intermediary variables in the relationship between achievement motivation and organizational culture on teachers' organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). This study utilized a quantitative research method; path analysis was employed in correlational research. One hundred and twenty participants were chosen from a population of 172 elementary school teachers in the Lampihong District using the Proportional e Random Sampling technique. Instruments with organizational culture (17 items), achievement motivation (30 items), organizational commitment (24 items), and organizational citizenship behavior (21 items) that have undergone validity and reliability testing were used for data collection. Using the product moment person correlation test, the validity and reliability of this source of data were evaluated. In order to determine the direct and indirect relationships between variables, research data were first subjected to normality, linearity, and homogeneity tests. The findings revealed that organizational culture, achievement motivation, and organizational commitment all had direct and indirect influences on teachers' Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB).

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