
This research, is aimed to determine the effect of occupational health and safety practices in hotel businesses in Nevşehir province on the perceptions of employees' trust in the organization. For this purpose, data were collected from employees working in hotel businesses in Nevşehir province from February to May 2021 by survey technique. In the study, correlation analysis was applied to determine the relationship between occupational health and safety practices of hotel businesses and their perceptions of trust in the organization, and regression analysis was applied to determine the effect of occupational health and safety practices on trust in the organization. As a result of the research, it has been determined that the perception of trust in the organization of the employees of hotel enterprises is affected by occupational health and safety practices. Occupational health and safety, gaining more importance with each passing day, plays a decisive role for both developed countries and developing countries. Changes in working life also have an impact on occupational health and safety, and changing working conditions bring new risks and dangers. For this reason, with new regulations, states, employers, and employees need to keep occupational health and safety up to date. Practices at the point of working conditions, employment contracts, working methods (trial-term, part-time, seasonal, on-call work, overwork, unregistered employment, etc.) of the enterprises in the tourism sector are important for the sector employees and must be taken under legal supervision and protection.

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