
Arabinogalactan (AG) of mycobacterial cell wall consists of arabinan region, galactan region and disaccharide linker. The arabinan is composed of d-arabinofuranose residues, and decaprenyphosphoryl- d-arabinose (DPA) is the donor of the d-arabinofuranose residues. DPA is formed from phosphoribose diphosphate (PRPP) in a four-step process catalyzed by transferase, phosphatase and epimerase, respectively. Mycobacterium tuberculosis Rv3806c has been identified as PRPP: decaprenyl-phosphate 5-phosphoribosyltransferase,and heteromeric Rv3790/Rv3791 has epimerase activity. Rv3807c is putative phospholipid phosphatase. However, there is no direct biochemical evidence since expression of Rv3807c has been unsuccessful. Mycobacterium smegmatis MSMEG_6402 is ortholog of Rv3807c. To investigate the function of MSMEG_6402 on AG biosynthesis, a conditional MSMEG_6402 gene knock out ( M. sm-Δ M_6402) strain was constructed through homologous recombination technique. The morphological and compositional changes of cell wall were examined in the M. sm-Δ M_6402 strain. The M. sm-Δ M_6402 strain grew at non-permissive temperature slower than that at permissive temperature, indicating that MSMEG_6402 is non-essential for growth of M. smegmatis. The change of cell shape and detectable bulging on the cell surface of M. sm-Δ M_6402 strain were observed by scanning electron microscopy, and curled as well as deformed cell wall of M. sm-Δ M_6402 strain was revealed by transmission electron microscopy. Analysis of sugar composition in the cell wall by HPLC indicated that the ratio of arabinofuran to galacto furan in M. sm-Δ M_6402 strain was changed to 1.7:1 comparing with 2:1 in the wild type. It demonstrates that the lacking MSMEG_6402 interferes the biosynthesis of arabinan. Analyzing 5′ P-DPR and DPR from both M. sm-Δ M_6402 strain and wild type M. smegmatis is undergoing in this lab.

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