
In many world, research of centella asiatica (CA) leaf extracts are used to treat neuronal disease with stem cell or cell line, but in the present study we try to make from hippocampus tissue culture. Methods: Young femalemice dowleyspraque types age of 2 weeks, as many as eighteen (18) tails each taken from its hippocampal tissue then cultured using a medium Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI). Eighteen (18) culture of nerve cells exposed to the extract of CA at a concentration of 0.25 ug / ml (CA A) and eighteen (18) culture of nerve cells exposed to the extract of CA at a concentration of 0.50 ug / ml (CA B), where as eighteen (18) other nerve cell cultures not exposed (control). Then calculated the number of cells per field view and BDNF levels measured in the culture of the three populations. Results: (1) Anumber of larger nerve cells in cell cultures of hippocampal tissue of young rats were fed by CA extracts dose of 0.50 ug / ml compared to 0.25 ug / ml and the control group (p <0.05); that new neurons plays an important role in sinaptogenesis circuit in order to improve the integration function of neurons and synapses that still exist between new and mature neurons in the hippocampus [1]. Conclusion: (2) Levels of BDNF CA dose of 0.50 ug / ml higher than 0.25 mg/ml CA doses but lower than in the controls (p <0.05), that the effect of the extract CA neurogenesis does occur in particular BDNF through the expression of BDNF, the possibility of glutamate in CA extracts is not able to increase the level of GABA in the brain due to activation of GABA synapses on a young neuron is depolarization where the concentration of intracellular Cl ion is high because channel expression Cl exporter KCC2 which slowed (delayed) [2].

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