
This study was conducted at the Education Department for Early Childhood Education Program (PAUD) in Aceh Selatan District, Indonesia. The purpose was to examine the leadership and organizational culture effect on staff performance and their impact on organizational performance. The sample is the head of PAUD in Aceh Selatan District as many as 365 people. Data analysis used the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. The result concludes that Organizational performance, Staff performance, Leadership, and Culture at the PAUD are good; Leadership affects staff performance; Culture affects staff performance; Leadership affects PAUD performance; Culture does not affect PAUD performance; Staff performance affects PAUD performance; Staff performance can mediate the Leadership role in PAUD performance; and, Staff performance can mediate the Culture role in PAUD performance. These findings explain that the PAUD performance model in Aceh Selatan is a function of strengthening leadership, cultural fit, and improving staff performance. These findings also reveal that the performance of PAUD staff is a mediator in the model, both partial, which can increase the leadership role in PAUD performance, and full, which can increase the role of culture in PAUD performance.

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