
The echelon officials who served in the hospital of Dr. H. Kumpulan Pane Tebing Tinggi City is the State Civil Apparatus (ASN), as well as most of its administrative staffs. Echelon officials and administrative staffs often come from agencies outside the hospital. They have a lot to experience about hospital management which is much different from management in other agencies. This affects the performance of employees in the organization of the hospital. Therefore, the empowerment of administrative employees needs to be optimized. Thus, the current study seeks to examine the dominant factors influencing the performance of administrative staffs in UPTD RSUD Dr. H. Kumpulan Pane Tebing Tinggi City, namely HR competencies, incentives, and leadership. A total of 77 respondents have participated in this study through survey questionnaire and collected by using census method. This study uses three independent variables, namely HR competence, Incentives and Leadership and staff performance. The results showed that the HR competency, incentive and leadership partially influence on the performance of administrative staffs. HR competency, incentives and leadership simultaneously influence the performance of administrative staffs.

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