
The purpose of this research is to increase knowledge about the results of the pretest and posttest when not using galiber teaching media in achieving thematic learning scores. As well as to describe the effect of using galiber media on thematic learning achievement. This study uses a quantitative research approach with the type of Pre-Experimental Design. Held at SDIT As-sakienah Tugu Sliyeg Indramayu. The sample in this study used one class, namely 24 fourth grade students including 12 girls and 12 boys. The division was arranged into two meetings, at the first meeting the students in the learning process used conventional methods, then for the next meeting the learning process used galiber media. The tools in this study were the pretest and the posttest. Data analysis techniques include: (1) Normality Test and (2) Hypothesis Testing or T-Test, analyzing this data using descriptive analysis and inferential statistical analysis on PC contributions through IBM SPSS STATISTICS 25. The results of this study can be concluded that the skills of capturing material thematically after using galiber media in class IV SDIT As-sakienah proved that there was a significant difference, namely < 0.001 which was less than the 0.05 significance (0.000 < 0.05), so the hypothesis (H1) in this study was declared accepted.

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