
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of file size in presence of sodium hypochlorite, saline and blood containing EDTA on the accuracy of Elements Diagnostic Unit electronic apex locator in working length determination. 25 freshly extracted human mandibular premolars were selected. Electronic canal length measurement was done with Elements Diagnostic Unit EAL using no10, no15 and no 20 k files in presence of sodium hypochlorite, saline and blood containing EDTA. These measurements were compared with actual canal length obtained after shaving apical 4mm of the roots and measuring with no 15 k file from coronal reference point to apical constriction under X4 magnification.The statistical analysis of the data was done using one way ANOVA and post-hoc tukey test which revealed no significant difference in the length measured by no 10, no15 and no 20 k files in presence of sodium hypochlorite, saline and blood containing EDTA as compared to actual length. Most measurements were within ±0.5mm of the actual length. The reliability of the EDU in measuring canal length was 85.77 % (193 out of 225 measurements) when ±0.5mm to apical constriction was taken as clinical tolerance limit.

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