
Abstract A computer simulation is reported of the enantiomer S CHBrClF subjected in the liquid state to intense external fields of force : i) uniaxial electric field EZ; ii) circularly polarised field at optical frequencies. The molecular dynamics are quantified in detail at field - on equilibrium in case i) using a range of auto correlation functions. The foremost result of the investigation is that the simple uniaxial field EZ makes the sample translate in a well defined direction. The direct effect of EZ on an isolated molecule of S-CHBrClF is purely rotational, but intramolecular rotation/translation coupling converts this rotation into coherent centre of mass translation. This gives rise to direct, laboratory frame , cross correlations of the type J T(o)> where v is the molecular centre of mass translational velocity and J T the transposed molecular angular momentum vector. (The existence of these invalidates the classical theory of the Kerr effect.) The molecular dynamics of the hypothetical chiral ion S-CHBrClF− are looked at with a view to corroborating the predictions by Baranova et al. concerning their response to electric field treatment. Despite the inherent instability of such an ensemble of like-charged ions the simulation can be used to produce a range of auto and cross-correlation functions with which to characterise the ionic dynamics. The effect of treating the ionic ensemble with a field EZ is reported briefly in terms of the non-vanishing ensemble averaged centre of mass velocity ;. The induced translation in an electric field may be demonstrated on most liquids using a simple experimental set up. Its importance in optically active systems is such that it may be used to separate a racemic mixture into its enantiomers, the translational motion induced in the one enantiomer is necessarily, by symmetry, opposite to that induced in the other enantiomer. The observation therefore has technological importance. Other applications are discussed.

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