To explore Girdin/Akt pathway protein expression and morphology change by cyclic tension in the periodontal ligament cells. Human periodontal ligament cells were exposed to cyclic tension force at 4000 μstrain and 0.5 Hz for 6 h though a four-point bending system. Cyclic tension force upregulated F-actin, Girdin and Akt expression in hPDL. In transmission electron microscope assay showed that there are more and bigger mitochondria, more and longer cynapses, more cellular organisms after tension force stimulation than control. The actin filament was changed to be regular lines and pointed to poles of cells. However, we found that the Girdin-depleted cells are small and there are more micro-organisms including more lysosomes and matrix vesicles than control. These finding suggest that the STAT3/Girdin/Akt pathway in PDL to response to mechanical stimulation as well, and Girdin may play a significant role in triggering cell proliferation and migration during orthodontic treatment. It provided an insight into the molecular basis for development of a vitro cell model in studying orthodontic treatment.
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