
The climate of diversity is defined as “the common perceptions of employees about the way things are done”. The climate of diversity is at the centre of human resource management practices and policies. The climate of diversity is seen as an opportunity for the organization and turns into a useful tool when used brilliantly. The management of diversity, which sees the differences of individuals as wealth and aims to increase the differences, has an important potential in maintaining organizational development and equal opportunities for controlling organizational outputs. The main purpose of the current study is to determine the relationship between cultural intelligence and the climate of diversity. In the study, it was also examined whether cultural intelligence, the climate of diversity, the management of diversity and career perception vary significantly depending on the demographic characteristics of the employees. Anova, t-test and Pearson correlation method were used in empirical analyses. As a result of the analyses, a negative and statistically significant correlation was found between the cognitive dimension of the cultural intelligence scale and the scale of the climate of diversity, the work group factor and the organizational factors dimension. Moreover, it was determined that the individuals who are the citizens of the Turkish Republic have a higher level of cultural intelligence and a better perception of the climate of diversity than the ones who are not citizens.

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