
Learning is a process of obtaining knowledge and experience that results in changes in behavior, as a result of learning to be achieved can be formulated in the form of learning objectives to be achieved with all the indicators. This lesson has not been implemented in the learning process at SMA Adabiah 1 Padang. In addition, the knowledge competence of students is still under the Minimum Completeness Criteria. U marsh to do that is by mela k ukan learning process with a model right. One of the Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) models . Meanwhile, the learning model commonly used by Biology teachers at SMAN 12 Padang is the discussion method. Apart from the learning model used, the teacher can also pay attention to the factors that affect student achievement. One of the factors is intrapersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence is the intelligence to distinguish one's own feelings about something . This study aims to determine the differences in competence in the domains of knowledge , attitudes and skills of students between those who apply the STAD model in the experimental class and the discussion method in the control class , to determine the differences in the competence of knowledge of students between those who apply the STAD model to students with k ecerdasan intrapersonal high and students with k ecerdasan intrapersona l low, and to investigate the interaction between STAD model with interapersonal intelligence in the realm of competence hamper students' knowledge. This type of research is an experiment with the study design Design Treatment by factorial 2 x 2 . The population in this study were students of class X IPA SMA Adabiah 1 Padang who were registered in the 2019/2020 school year. The sample was determined by purposive sampling technique . The instrument used was a multiple choice question sheet. Analysis of data normality test, homogeneity, and hypothesis testing with ANOVA test that use traditional SPSS applications. The results showed that there was a significant difference in knowledge competence between the experimental class and the control class , where the knowledge value of the class that applied the STAD model was higher than the control class.

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