
Cinnamon leaves contain flavonoids, alkaloids, steroids and tannins that can help stimulate fibroblast cell formation and inhi-bit bacterial growth with antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities so as to accelerate the healing process in inflammation. This study aims to determine the optimal concentration of cinnamon leaf extract gel (Cinnamomum burman-nii) 35% on the number of fibroblast cells in healing inflammation of the buccal mucosa of wistar strain white rats (Rattus nor-vegicus). Laboratory experimental research in vivo with randomised post-test only control group design using 30 wistar rats which were divided into three groups: positive control (K+) given H2O2 30% + Aloclair gel; negative control (K-) given H2O2 30%, and the third group (P) given H2O2 30% + 35% DKM extract gel. The results showed the mean number of fibroblast cells in groups (K+), (K-), and (P) were 51.1 cells, 29.1 cells, and 43.8 cells, respectively. All groups showed significantly dif-ferent results (????<0.05) with the one-way Anova test. It is concluded that 35% DKM extract gel can increase the number of fi-broblast cells so that it can effectively heal the inflammation of the buccal mucosa of white wistar rats.

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