
The rapid changes in the educational fields are among the features of this era that we must work to encourage, move them in the right direction and adapt to them. The educational field has witnessed great scientific and technological development in most areas of life, through the use of modern and advanced educational methods and methods, in order to confront The challenges and pressures facing the educational process, and the successful teacher is the one who can apply the appropriate method that raises the learners’ motivation to learn, taking into account the learners’ tendencies and attitudes to learn, as (Ahmed and Abu Shiha, 1988) indicates that the appropriate teaching method is the one that creates An atmosphere of mutually supportive human relations between the students themselves on the one hand, and the teaching member on the other hand, and at the same time enjoys communicating ideas to students. It also encourages creativity and the ability to solve problems, generates students’ self-confidence and stimulates their learning and thinking.” The discussion in the style of small groups is consistent with the educational view Modern, which is the student's focal point on which all educational activities must focus, and this method also contributes to the development of the world Collective passion and love of cooperation with others in order to achieve goals, and take responsibility, and this method plays an effective role in providing students with the subject and influencing their behavior in order to become effective in society. The problem of the research is that the teaching methods are many and varied, and through the application through the experience of researchers in the field of work in middle schools, I found that many physical education teachers study motor skills in the imperative style because they find difficulty and lack of knowledge of the types of teaching methods that have appeared widely, especially any method that is consistent with With the skill to be taught correctly, and this topic was chosen because it combines individual thinking and discussion between groups, so the researchers decided to rely on the think-pair-share strategy to teach the skill of shooting in the free throw basketball to see the extent of the progress achieved by students in teaching This skill is compared to the commanding method currently used in schools. The current research aims to reveal: The effect of the strategy (think-pair-share) in teaching the skill of free-throw shooting in basketball for fourth-grade students. The difference between the strategy (think - pair - share) and the imperative method in teaching the skill of free-throw shooting for fourth-grade students. The researchers assumed the following: That there are significant differences between the pre and post tests of the two research groups in teaching the skill of free shooting in basketball. There are significant differences in the post-test between the two research groups in teaching the skill of free-throw shooting in basketball. The research community consisted of the students of a preparatory school in Bashiqa for girls in Bashiqa district, who numbered (589). The sample of the research consisted of students of the fourth scientific grade divided into two divisions (A - B) and their number was 65 students. This school was deliberately chosen, due to the presence of an arena and the cooperation of the administration. After the lottery was conducted in a random manner, Division A was chosen to be the experimental group to which the (think-pair-share strategy) is applied, and Division B to which the imperative method is applied. A group of female students were excluded due to absence from the training round, and some of them were excluded due to failing for the sake of stability, as the research sample consisted of 40 students, with 20 students per group. The researchers used the spss program. In light of the research objectives and hypotheses within the limits of the research method and the user approach, the researchers reached a conclusion. - Showing statistically significant differences between the pre and post tests in the two research groups. - The experimental group that implemented the strategy (think-pair-share) outperformed the control group that implemented the imperative method in the post test of the skill of shooting with a free throw basketball. Recommendations - The necessity of applying the strategy (think - pair - share) in middle schools, because it showed the positive quality of teaching the skill of shooting with a free throw with basketball. - Covering a qualifying study for schools to see the teaching methods for all academic levels and to test the actual method of the skill being taught.

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