
The purpose of this prospective clinical study was to assess the rate of healing of periapical bony defects created at the time of endodontic periapical surgery by measuring the densitometric ratio change in periapical osseous tissues, after periapical endodontic surgery was performed, by using or not using Guidor bioresorbable membrane material. Periapical surgeries were performed on 25 patients where nonsurgical root canal therapy had failed and a periapical lesion was present. For inclusion in the study, the osseous defect to be analyzed had to be confined to the apical area, with bone covering the entire root surface coronally, and an intact lingual cortical plate had to be present. A series of radiographs at the 3-, 6-, and 12-month recalls were compared with the radiograph taken immediately after surgery by using digital imaging and a densitometric ratio that gave a numerical estimation of osseous healing. Using repeated-measure ANOVA, it was shown that there was no statistical difference between the rate of healing in those cases where a Guidor resorbable membrane was used and those cases where no membrane was used. The results suggest that placement of a guided tissue membrane over the bony opening created during an endodontic periapical surgical procedure has no beneficial effect on the rate of healing and the added expense to the patient would not be warranted in these cases.

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