
The study investigated on sex education in seven selected schools of Lusaka District, Zambia. This study was conducted in seven primary and secondary schools; Harry Mwanga Nkumbula primary, New Chunga Primary, Chunga Secondary, Nelson Mandela Secondary, Twins Park Primary, Daina Kaimba Primary and Barlastone Park Primary schools. The population of this study comprised of district education board secretary, head teachers, teachers and pupils in Lusaka district of Zambia respectively. The total sample size of 200 respondents from selected primary and secondary schools were interviewed particularly, 2 officers from the ministry of education, 150 pupils and 48 teachers. The primary data was collected through interview guide. From the results obtained, it shows that there is the integration of sex education in some subject to make learners aware of involving themselves in sexual activities. Therefore, there was danger especially to school going girls and boys that could make them disturbed in terms of schooling. Sex education is not there in curriculum of Zambia. No wonder, getting rid of HIV/AIDS will be difficult among school going children. The curriculum developers ‘must’ make sure that sex education has been provided to every school to lessen early pregnancies, sexual transmitted infectious diseases and marriages. Though, the ministry of education was coming up with some measure to help learners in school by making sure that every lesson delivered must have a component of sex education. Pupils involving themselves in illicit activity; the blame does not go to the parents alone but also the ministry of education through teachers for not sensitize and mentioning dangers of engaging in early sexual relationship. Therefore, some schools were not even trying to embed sex education. There was a high and not interesting numbers of school boys and girls drop-outing of schools and marrying at the very tender age. In addition, girls become pregnant due to the absence of the most important information they should learn in class. Further findings showed that some of the selected schools do not have clubs where pupils could learn different things not only at home, church and community gatherings. The teachers being co-parents who supposed to nurture the young ones for the betterment of their lives. The recommendations were put forward to address the problems the learners were facing.

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