
Presents a report of a committee appointed by the Council of the British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers' Association, the Radio Industry Council and the Council of the Institution of Electrical Engineers.The numerical and technical importance of the group classified as electrical technicians justifies attention being drawn to the problem of their training.The principal method of providing for the education and training of electrical technicians should be a four- or five-year apprenticeship or training, according to the standard of entry, with concurrent education in a technical college. The practical aspect of this training is of vital importance.The technical education of a technician should reach a level at least comparable with that of an Ordinary National Certificate. Small but significant modifications in the curriculum for this certificate are desirable in some cases.For a relatively small group the usual Ordinary National Certificate followed by a Higher National Certificate is appropriate.For the majority the modified Ordinary National Certificate course should be followed by a course in specialized technology, for which some existing and some proposed courses are suitable.Attention is drawn to alternative forms of “works-based” sandwich schemes and to the advantage to be derived from cooperation between firms.The practical training needed differs from one group to another, and no uniform scheme is suggested. The principles to be applied are stated.A technician apprentice should have obtained a good general education, particularly in the subjects of Mathematics, Science and English.Provision should be made for the transfer to technician training of craft apprentices and others who show suitable aptitude.Subject to satisfactory progress, technician apprentices and trainees should be given part-time day release to attend classes.

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