
Part 1 Human capital theory: the empirical status of human capital theory - a slightly jaundiced survey, Mark Blaug the return to schooling in the United States, 1939-69, Martin K. marenbach perceived earnings functions and ex ante rates of return to postcompulsory education in England, Gareth Williams and Alan Gordon returns to education - an updated international comparison, George Psacharopoulos returns to education - a further international update and implications, George Psacharopoulos learninga nd earning in the post school years, Mary J. Bowman human capital and earnings - British evidence and critique, George Psacharopoulos and Richard Layard human capital and the labor market a review of current research, Jacob Mincer education, technology and the caracteristics of worker productivity, Herbert Gintis where are we now in the economics of education?, Mark Blaug academic achievement and job performance - note, Edward Lazear agency, earnings profiles productivity and hours restrictions, Edward Lazear screening and education - a theoretical and empirical survey, A.K. Whitehead occupational training in high school - when does it pay off?, John Bishop. Part 2 Efficiency of schools: the economics of schooling - production and efficiency in public schools, Eric A. Hanushek measuring efficiency in education and production, Henry M. Levin. Part 4 Education and economic development: education and economic development - the first generation, Martin Carnoy earnings, schooling, ability and cognitive skills, M. Boissiere, et al international comparisons of educational and economic indicators revisited, K.H. Lee, and George Psacharopoulos education and economic growth - another axiom of indispensability? From human capital to human capabilities, David Mitch why isn't the whole world developed?, Richard A. Easterlin the impact of primary schooling on economic development - a review of the evidence, Christopher Colclough financing public hgiher education in developing countries, Alain Mingat higher education and income distribution in a less developed country, Gary S. Fields the contribution of education to economic growth - international comparisons, G. Psacharopolos. Part 5 Political economy of schooling: the role of education in 19th century doctrines of political economy, E.G. West why is education publicly provided? - a critical survey, John R. Lott.

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