
This paper inquires into the economic teaching of the Scholastics. It reveals and brings into light some basic economic theories. It declares that there existed full understanding of many crucial economic questions and issues much more sooner that it is usually accepted among economic professionals as well as among people without economic background. It presents ideas of leading medieval school of economics – teaching of Scholastics. Its aim is to point out that Scholastics authors were the first one who set clear basis of liberal economics. It is trying to divert the attention from Classical Liberal teaching as a founding school of liberal teaching and turn it deeper back in time to period between 14th-17th centuries as a crucial period of liberal economic thinking. To do so, paper borrows many references and quotations of original texts of Scholastics authors.
 JEL codes: B110, N010.
 Resumen: Este artículo pone de manifiesto cómo los escolásticos lograron una comprensión plena de muchas cuestiones económicas importantes. Además, fueron los primeros en poner los fundamentos de la economía liberal, como se verá a partir de diversas citas tomadas de los textos originales.
 Códigos JEL: B110, N010.

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