
A model to calculate the short-term economic net revenue to fisheries constrained by quotas on both target and catch species is presented and applied to the Danish herring- and industrial fisheries in 1999. For this year the ICES Advisory Committee on Fisheries Management (ACFM) presented seven management options for North Sea herring differing in the shares allocated to directed herring fishery for human consumption purposes and to by-catch in the industrial fisheries respectively. For each ACFM option the net revenues to each fleet segment are estimated in two scenarios: one assuming that the Danish fisheries are constrained by the EU regulations alone and one in which the fleets in addition to the EU regulations are constrained by additional national regulations on quota distribution on fleet segments. The results suggest that there is little difference (about 4%) in the net revenue accruing from the different ACFM options and that the total net revenue under combined EU and Danish regulation is about 8% less than would be possible under optimal effort allocation with the EU regulation alone. Furthermore, the added value of an additional tonne of herring on the overall human consumption quota is, under optimal effort allocation but still respecting the EU-Norway agreement, estimated to be about DKK 540 (€72).

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