
The most expensive capital at all times has been and remains intellectual capital, which in today's economy allows you to adapt quickly to the fast-paced conditions of the external environment and find opportunities to develop even during economic downturns and crises. The basis for the formation of intellectual capital is the personnel, management of which in modern economic conditions to a new level, as on the correctly built system of personnel management depends on the performance of many companies. At the same time, training of specialists in the field of personnel management should take into account the real needs of the market in order to ensure that most graduates at employment possess a basic set of competencies necessary for successful work in this area. Consequently, for effective training in the field of human resource management, the requirements of the market and potential employers should be taken into account. The market requirements in this case are the maximum orientation of specialists to solve the problems in the field of personnel management, from recruiting to building a team management strategy of a large enterprise. Consequently, the basic economic basis for the training of specialists in human resource management is the need to solve a wide range of tasks and the ability to adapt to working conditions in companies of different levels and different orientations. And in recent years there is an additional extremely important competence - the ability to self-organize and work remotely, because during the COVID-19 pandemic and now under martial law in Ukraine, many specialists had to work remotely and form new approaches to personnel management in the online format. Therefore, the ability to combine professional qualities and effective self-organization is at the core of an effective training specialist's work.

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